Best Logistics UK-Ireland Safely Transport


Door to Door Services

Our door-to-door services integrate collection and delivery into a seamless transport solution. Our planners ensure that the cargo is delivered while the customer has a single contact for the entire transport.

Quay to Quay Services

We plan your equipment and cargo with various operators while our customers benefit from our experience. We can ensure a faster turn-over at the terminals and help to find a hauler who can deliver the cargo.

We Provide a Reliable Services

Sustainable transport.

Eurocom committed to delivering sustainable transport solution through Europe by combining different transport modules. With an average reduce of 80% emission against by road transport. Eurocom and its customers successfully reducing their environmental footprint off Europe’s busy network.


  • Connections to an extensive multimodal service network
  • Reliable and cost-efficient services
  • Experienced in a wide range of commodities and project cargo
  • Sustainable transport – lower CO2 emissions
  • Compliant with IMO regulations
  • Door to Door and Quay to Quay network
  • Part load and groupage services possible through Europe and UK
With its ability to offer optimal cubic capacity ( 33 Euro pallets ) the high cube containers makes intermodal and environmentally friendly transport a very competitive alternative to conventional road transport.

45FT containers (9’6”)

    Internal length 13.56

    Internal width 2.44

    Internal height 2.70

    External length 13.72

    External width 2.50

    External height 2.90

    Euro pallets 33


Curtainsided Trailers

Curtainsided trailers are suitable for side and top loadings. These trailers can load up to 28 tonnes. The mega trailers allow for increased volume, interesting for automotive industry.

Mega Trailers

    Internal length 13.62

    Internal width 2.48

    Internal height 3.00

    External length 13.90

    External width 2.50

    External height 4.0

    Euro pallets 34